Thursday, May 16, 2013


yesterday was one of the (two) days i get to go to the gym after work...i worked out and then came home, breezed in the door and all was quiet in the house. it felt like no one was home. (butch's car was in the driveway.) so i walked out back and this is what i saw:

i love how he waved for the picture. (whatta goof.) ella was sitting on a lawn chair watching this whole operation go down. now cutting the grass was not on the list of things to do on a wednesday evening. however, when he got the steaks out of the fridge for dinner and they were rotten...he had some extra time on his hands before i got home. naturally, strapping a kid to your back and mowing the grass was the best option. guess who did the grocery shopping this past weekend? (wasn't this girl.) he got the steaks on sale and they were nearly expired. so when he opened them...he said he was slapped in the face by the smell of fish. (good.) i said that i was surprised he didn't cook them anyway...and he stated, "i was going to just slap some salt on them and then grill the hell outta them...but i thought that might be a bad idea cause ella and carrie were going to eat them, too." so to be clear, had it just been he and i dining for dinner...i would now be in the ER, due to a fresh batch of e coli cuts of meat. (swell.)

while finishing up (cutting the front lawn)...ella was standing on the front porch clapping and cheering for him as he went back and forth with her sister on his back. i was inside, watching from the window and losing it. i was also wondering if our neighbors were watching as well. (probably.) i was also working on plan B for dinner, which included frozen fish and turkey sausages. (nice combo.) when butch came in from outside, he said he was "starving"...i rolled my eyes, because if i came home and plan A of steaks on the grill failed, i'd go to plan B. i wouldn't skip plan B, go right to F...and fire up the lawn mower. (but whatever.) i put carrie in the exersaucer as i was finishing up and ella ran out back to play some more. she came inside and i saw her walk to carrie. she then skipped over to me and said, "i dave tarrie a wock. she wanted it." i ran over to see what looked like a large wad of chewing tobacco in carrie's babe ruth. (nah, just a ROCK.) ella and i then had a serious discussion about giving carrie random things to shove into her chops. she said, "OOOOTAAAYYY." and ran outside. (probably to find more rocks to give her sister.)

butch came in after putting the mower away, as i poured a full cup of green tea into ella's sippy. (better than boilo!) when i was pouring it back into the gallon (to get milk), i said (outloud), "do you ever feel like you are losing your mind?" without missing a beat, butch said, "every day of my life. every day." good, glad we are on the same page here. i never did get a shower after coming home from the gym (due to the rotten meat debacle), and so i sat there sweaty and smelly to eat my dinner with the kids. ella told us about her day, "i play. i nap. i laugh." (wo, i wish i had that day.) however, something kinda cool did happen to me yesterday at school...i have lunch duty everyday, and i usually go into the kitchen to help the kids get their trays. a group of kindergarteners was going through the line, and a little boy named michael happened to get the last tray of chicken nuggets. there was a little boy behind him and he said, " i'll have nuggets, too." i explained that michael got the last tray of nuggets and this little boy looked at me, looked at michael, and said, "oh man! i really wanted those." and then...out of the blue, michael said, "i changed my mind, i want a bbq sandwich instead." i said, "are you sure!?" he said, "'s okay. i want him to have the nuggets, he wants them more than i do." (he's FIVE...and clearly awesome.) i was beside myself and hugged michael and told him what a nice thing that was to do! the lunch lady and i shared a smile over it...made our day. (it's the little things.)

today i decided that the safest bet for dinner tonight was just throwing a pork loin in the crockpot this morning. (no meat or mowers involved for the man of the house.)  when i got home from the gym this evening...butch was sitting outside in a lawn chair on his laptop, ella was playing with about 42 pieces of sidewalk chalk, and carrie was crawling dangerously close to a pile of dog crap in the yard. (but least dinner was all ready!) carrie then climbed up onto the deck and shoved a whole piece of chalk into her mouth. (ella screamed.) i picked carrie up, wiped the blue dusty stuff outta her mouth and called ella in for dinner as well. ella's new thing is to whine tell us that she "can't walk" when we ask her to do something she doesn't want to do. i told her she needed to come in and wash her hands for dinner and she fell in the grass crying and pulled her new scam. (she actually says, "i can't walk.") it makes us bonkers...and she knows it. i mean, how can you even argue with that? butch freaked out and said, "you were just RUNNING around the YARD, ELLA!!" she stated again (very matter of factly), "i can't walk." i thought he was gonna blow a gasket. (i laughed on the inside.)

and so, the lawn mower is safely in the shed, the award winning actress and her chubby counterpart are in bed, and i just found the remnants of the second to last binkie we have in the house. (penelope had a snack.) therefore, if ella's only pacifier goes missing (which you know it will) there are no backups. (if this doesn't sound like a big is.) anyway, tomorrow is friday and then another wild weekend of not alotta shit to do. (yes!) you know you are getting older when you look forward to weekends without plans. i do know one thing, i will resume my grocery shopping duties on saturday, and rotten meat (on SALE) will not be on the menu for the following week...nor will rocks or sidewalk chalk. (fingers crossed.)

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