Wednesday, March 27, 2013


sooo, on tuesday i was sick. like really effing sick. i thought my organs were shutting down and i was dying a slow and painful death. i couldn't move. i could barely breathe. it was awful. trust me...i am not being dramatic, it takes a LOT for me for sickness to knock me down. in fact, in 7 years of teaching i have taken 1 (ONE!) sick day for myself. (all of the other sick days used were for my children's sicknesses.) luckily, butch was off of work and could take care of our kids...because i was incapable of taking care of a guinea pig. (i was useless.) that being said, when friends of mine heard that i was sick...they immediately started busting my balls that it was a hangover, i was pregnant (hell no!),  it was food poisoning, or caused by all of the protein that i'd been eating during my paleo trial. god FORBID i actually be SICK.

butch thought i was faking. (at first.) then he just stared at me laying there and knew better. (i never just lay there, i'm always doing something.) anyway, truth be told...i actually had been dreaming of this day for a while, a day to do nothing but lay in bed. however, i didn't have dreams of it due to the bubonic plague. i actually didn't sleep that much since ella was born. i slept allllll day. i'd like to say it was glorious...but it wasn't, because a. i was thinking of the 3247 things i had to get done. b. i was thinking about my students and the how i wasn't there. and c. i was thinking about the fact that my body was rotting from the inside out. (this virus was fierce, if i didn't stress that enough.) ella skipped into the bedroom at one point and stared at me. i said, "ella, i'm sorry mommy is sick." she said, "eww, yeah. just not get me sick, otay?!" and ran outta the room. (thanks for your concern, kid.)

so anyway, it exited quickly. (praise jesus.) i went back to work today, and now i am off for 10 glorious days for spring break. wanna know how i started my spring break? (it wasn't planning a trip to cancun.) i went to buy a toy organizer for the toys r us superstore, called our house. i was (seriously) pumped when i found one i liked. (you know when you are a mom when...) i can't take these goddamn toys anymore people. they piss me off. the ones with the small parts are the absolute worst. but let me tell know what the craziest thing is? they hardly play with them. if i throw an empty paper towel roll at carrie, she's good for an hour. if ella has a coloring book and some crayons, she's set for a good half hour. hell, give her the box that the toy organizer came in, and she'll be set for a week. (it's irritating...and i can't be the only one that feels this way.) so anyway, i left work for my "break" and was gleefully going back home to organize toys. (parrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttyyyy!!!)

when i got home, butch looked chalk white and tired. earlier in the day, he had sent me a text (bragging) that carrie had slept til 9am. (NINE?!...she's usually up by 7.) anyway, the jubilant texts quickly faded when she wouldn't lay down for either a morning or afternoon nap. (she was up all day!) babies: they do whatever the hell they want. she wasn't crying or unpleasant, but when a 9mo old is awake, you have to be on your A game. they crawl around, they stuff shit in their mouths (leaves), they bang their heads on things...they are active. you can't just lay around and scratch your ballsack. you have to watch them. (he looked fried.) ella was eating popcorn at the pub table, watchin' one of her "shows" and whipped around when i walked in the door with the big box. she was just as jazzed as me about the toy organizer (or the box?!).

we ended up moving furniture around, organizing, and cleaning until the kids went to bed at 8pm. i grabbed a glass of wine, he cracked a beer. we both sat down on the couch and i started typing. butch turned on the tv. he then said after a few minutes, "hey...bathtub killer or hiding in plain sight??" without missing a beat or looking up, i said, "bathtub killer." (dateline, anyone?) we both then started laughing hysterically, possibly at our pathetic ways? we are both on spring break. we are both tired as shit. we are both parents....and looking back on our lives a few years ago, we both find this humorous in a multitude of ways. bathtub killer it is. goodnight, y'all!

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