Thursday, March 29, 2012


this picture depicts exactly how i was feeling around noon today...and i just so happened to get this text from ella's sitter at that moment. you see, our little bundle of love was up at midnight for no apparent reason. she's usually a good sleeper, but at least once a week she wakes up crying in the middle of the night and i bring her into our bed, then transport her back over to her room about a half an hour later. (gasp! the books tell you not to do this, it will become a habit...screw you books) last night was our "once a week" ritual. also, after i brought her into bed with us, i was getting slammed in the ribs by deuce (baby number two) from the inside, and physically assaulted by flailing arms and legs of the almost two year old from the outside. (double whammy) although ella was probably up from about midnight to one, i was up much longer than that. butch was scratching his ball sack, blissfully dreaming (probably about coupons) at this point and had no idea she had even in bed with us when he woke up (refreshed) this morning. (that sword is looking better and better with each passing night...)

ever since ella was born, sleep is so different. (the books never tell you that stellar tidbit) when you have your first kid...sleep is never, ever the same. i am seriously like a ninja in the night and any noise i hear sends me into fury of panic. (like karate kid on crack) prior to having a kid, you could've driven a bulldozer through our bedroom and i wouldn't have batted an eye. today, the joy of all this is that i couldn't pass out on the couch like sleeping beauty up there. i was at work. i think moms and dads just get used to walking around in a haze of sleeplessness most of the time. it's the new normal. tomorrow begins spring break for both butch and i. the thing we are most looking forward to? sleep. (not cancun. not booze. not wild parties.) just sleep. oh, how things have changed...and little miss midnight better be on the same page with this sleep idea, because although i love her, i would rather not have a toddler wrapped around my neck like a scarf during the wee hours of the morning. (and yes, i would like some cheese with my whine...thanks.) 

"There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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