Friday, February 10, 2012


every friday we play 'build a man' with our vocabulary words from the week. for those of you that do not know...'build a man' is today's politically correct way to say 'hangman'. (i know, i think it's just as stupid as you..) so we were playing hangman and one of my students (who is not the brightest crayon in the box) got two of the words correct right off the bat. i looked at him and said, "wow, kenny! you must've eaten your wheaties for breakfast today!" apparently this not a familiar expression...because all of the kids started giggling. i said,"why is everyone laughing!?" a little girl raised her hand and i called on her...she could barely get it out between giggles...but said..."WHY would Kenny eat WEENIES for breakfast!! you shouldn't eat WEENIES ever, that's just gross!!" (oh, my dear child...let's talk in a few years..) good thing i had already finished my morning coffee, because that would've been spewed all over the chalk board. (it was giggles all around at this point...including me)
i explained that i didn't say "weenies" and that i said, "wheaties" and it is a type of cereal that is supposed to make you stronger...they all shook their heads like they understood, but i should've known from their skeptical stares that they didn't. anyway, we moved on. (or so i thought...) later in the day during playtime, one student finished a puzzle and i saw another student walk up to him and say, "boy! you must've eaten your weenies today!" a few minutes later, another kid built a block tower and a child walked by and said, "nice tower! did you have weenies for breakfast?!" you get the point. weenies were everywhere. i sincerely hope that one of my students does not go home tonight and upon his mother making a fabulous dinner exclaims.."good for you mom! you must've eaten your weenies today!" pretty sure i'd get a note about that one on monday...

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