Thursday, February 16, 2012


butch had a dentist appointment this afternoon to get a tooth pulled. about a week ago he cracked one of his molars into three pieces...eating ice cream. (yes, ice cream.) i asked him..well what kind of ice cream was it? (surely it had to be something with nuts.) nope! chocolate peanut butter cup. (fail.) so anyway, he spent most of his morning at home with ella prior to taking her to the sitter for the afternoon.

when i got home from work, there were a few things askew throughout the house:

#1 there was a tent set up in the middle of ella's bedroom. (i guess, for fun...)

#2 there was a polar bear head* 'displayed' in the guest room because "we are having guests this weekend" (his words) and by displayed i mean stacked in the corner of the room on a coffee table, ottoman, and rubbermaid container full of maternity clothes.

apparently when you are having out of town guests, nothing says "welcome to our home" like a fake polar bear head displayed in the guest room.

*a little background on the polar bear was a gift from the best man in our wedding. (butch's college roomate) it is not a real polar bear is a fake one. (not that that would make much of a difference) severely hungover the day after our wedding, he forced us to open it in his presence. it was wrapped in wedding bell paper in a huge box. he was staring at us as it was being unwrapped and was serious (deadly serious) about us truly liking it. (i had to kindly excuse myself to the restroom  to avoid a mimosa coming out of my nose, combined with urinating on myself in a fit of hysterics.)

#3 there was a brochure with an elderly woman on it entitled Understanding Dental Implants displayed on the kitchen counter for me to look at. he also informed me that should he decide to 'go that route' one tooth would cost $2400. (umm..yeah. i think you should go ahead and chew on the other side, pal.)

i can't even begin to think about what life would be like if butch were a stay at home dad. (this was ONE day...actually, a few hours.) he is currently hopped up on pain meds giving our daughter a bath. (no worries, although captain vicodin is sailing the ship...i'm close by.) i just heard what sounded like a mix between laughter and a wild bird call explode from the bathroom...i'm not sure whether it was him or her. i'm sitting here hoping that he decides he is well enough to go to work tomorrow. our house guests are arriving only an hour after i get home from work and who knows what menagerie of fun i will walk into if he decides to call in sick.

although i will say it is better than what i came home to last thursday evening...when our dog had somehow pulled an entire bag of granulated sugar off of the kitchen counter (spewing its contents throughout the downstairs.) she then proceeded to eat what was left in the bag after her jaunt around the you can imagine, it made for a lovely evening of vacuuming and dog vomit. i'll take tents, dental implants, and polar bear heads over that any day of the week...

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