Thursday, February 2, 2012


a groundhog and his....hole
have you ever seen the shitshow that goes on in punxatawny, pa on this day? a close friend of mine who has been there describes it as this..."they close the school for the day and everybody wagons on up to the Nob at like midnight, gets shwasty until the first crack of light, then they poke this damn diabetic squirrel out of a cage for 16 seconds, read some BS mumbo jumbo, and everybody heads was the biggest let down and it was 3 degrees out. it's like a regular friday night in the skook with a caged animal. then again...would you expect anything less of a PA holiday based around a groundhog?" (i laughed when i read this email from him.. thought you would, too)

who's brianiac idea was this to leave this very important "prediction" up to a groundhog? a chubby squirrel?! i mean, he probably does a better job than most weathermen, but still. anyway, the rodent bastard saw his shadow, so that means 6 more weeks of winter. joy.

not a big fan of winter. never have been, never will be. the weird thing is, i love the snow…but if we are going to have a winter without snow, then count me out. a winter without snow is like a baseball game without hotdogs and beer…kinda boring. when people say, “i like winter”…i want to slap them in the teeth. what is there to like about it? it’s cold, dark, and dreary. (no thanks.) in fact, i’d take any of the other seasons over winter. summer is my favorite though…for lotsa reasons:

#1. no work (oh stop moaning…you coulda been a teacher, too) 
#2. dock bars, cold beer, and good music (self explanitory)
#3. flip flops (or bare feet)
#4. denim and/or sweat skirts (that’s for you, sam)
#5.  the beach (don’t even get me started on that place…i’ll live there some day)
#6. water. period. (pools, oceans, lakes, bays, hose water...d. all of the above)
#7. daylight, and lots of it (who likes when it's dark at 4pm?)
#8.  warm nights (and being able to be outside, whenever you want to be)
#9. fireflies & fishing (not together, but you get it)
#10. grilled food (meat, vegetables,'s all better grilled)

don’t you feel better after just reading that list? i sure do.  so anyway, that groundhog better go back in his hole and find whatever it is he’s looking for and then come back out.  spring (and then summer) is just around the corner, friends. and if any one of you write to tell me how much you like winter, i will delete you immediately...or find you and slap you in the teeth.

ella and I at Pussers before winter exposed its
ugly face

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
~Albert Camus

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