Sunday, April 14, 2013


if you would've told me a coupla years ago that i would actually have fun running...i woulda asked you what you were smoking when you made that statement. but actually, these days...running is fun. also, running a race was one of the most fun times i've had in a while. now i know, it was only a 5K...a little over 3 miles and i run more than 3 miles on a daily basis most days. however, the whole thrill of the starting line, wearing a number, being part of a group with a common goal...and oh, the beer at the end was awesome, too. i drank the purple koolaid, lived to tell the tale, and now i want more. (bring it on.) i hope to do a longer race in the fall, possibly a 10 miler or something of the like. i also have had a half marathon on my bucket list for a while, but holy hell that seems so far. (i think i would see jesus at about mile 11.) puking and passing out during one of those just may happen.

several of my friends decided to do this race with me, one of which being fen. in true fen fashion, she started training the monday before, along with another one of our friends who also started training on that quitting cigarettes and buying a new outfit. her mom went shopping with her and she came out of the dressing room to show her the new running gear. her mom (who is a hilarious lady) asked her to lay down on the floor while dressed in it, so that she had a more accurate picture of what she would look like the day of the race. (i don't care who you are, that's funny.) anyways, my goal was to keep my time under 35 minutes, and i did that. (31 something.) i also smoked fen and the girl with the new outfit by a few minutes. my other friend (the one that has spidery long legs) beat me by a minute...rats! (damn you daddy long legger.) anyways, i achieved a personal goal and didn't puke or pass i will say that's an accomplishment in my book.

after the race, we housed pizza and bloody mary's and then napped for two hours. (it was awesome.) meanwhile, my mom was galavanting around town with ella. (have fun nanny!) i rounded out my weekend by spending saturday night with some of the best people, and then going to a birthday party for a friend's kid this morning. note to self: after a weekend of racing and raising not go to a child's birthday party as a sundae topper, it will not go well. i picked up fen, who was also invited..and as soon as we got there, i got ella out of the car and she proceeded to trip on the curb, fall, and then scream her head off. (that was fun.) we walked into the party and she was still flowin' tears. (awesome entrance.) there was a sea of little people running around the house, and most of the adults there were people i had been hanging out with the night before. we all looked a little foggy as the mayhem of toddlers and babies unfolded around us. when everyone was singing happy birthday to the birthday boy...i kinda wanted to stab myself in the eye with a nearby fork. the kids had fun though, and that's what matters in the end.

after the party, we said our goodbyes and i strapped ella in the backseat...ready for our venture back to maryland. i had high hopes of her napping most of the way, or watching her portable dvd player. my high hopes were smashed when she had several crying jags throughout the trip, said "my hungry" about 32 times, complained that she wanted to go back to my parents house, and was generally just overtired and ornery. at one point she was crying for no apparent reason and i yelled, "do you want me to pull this car over and give you something to cry about!?!" (oh my god, i'm turning into my mother.) when it came out of my mouth, i almost gasped immediately afterward. (i hated when my parents said stuff like this to me as a kid.) she said, "nooooo, i just tant stop FRYING. I JUST CAN'T STOP FRYING!" i told her that pretty soon mommy was going to be FRYING in the front seat if she didn't get it together. we left at approximately 1:30pm (normal nap time), she fell asleep at approximately 3:41pm, we pulled into the driveway at 3:52pm. (awesome timing, ella. just awesome.)

when i got home, butch was feeding carrie (no bib) and she was covered in food. she just smiled and cooed at me like it was the best day of her life...crackers smashed in her hair and crumbs covering her cotton onesie. she also had something dried on the end of her nose. he looked tired, but said it "wasn't that bad" taking care of one kid. (we decided to divide and conquer this weekend...he stayed in md, i went to pa. one kid each.) however, later in the evening i stated that i really didn't want to go back to work tomorrow (ugh. sunday blues.)...he exclaimed, "i do!! get me outta this house!" (oh my.)  sometimes going to work is easier, especially when dealing with an overtired two year old. (she took me to the edge of reason in the car.) so here i sit, writing about my weekend and wishing it wasn't over. the race was epic fun and i hope to do another one very soon...however, traveling solo in the car with an over tired two year old is something i definitely hope i don't have to do anytime in the near future. tonight right after both kids were in bed and quiet, i took a deep breath and enjoyed the moment. (bedtime is a sweet time.) on to another day, another week of craziness...hoping that no self inflicted wounds are created by nearby forks in the meantime.

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