Sunday, August 12, 2012


so i've been off for 11 whole weeks...and i go back to work tomorrow. (i just threw up in my mouth a little bit upon writing that.) the thing is, i enjoy what i it actually, but work still blows. i don't think anyone gets up out of bed in the morning and proclaims, "YIPPEE!! WORK!!"...and if someone actually does do that, i want to find that person and karate chop them in the throat.  it is nice, however, after a long summer to become a productive member of society again. i am not saying that being a mother isn't a full time job, because it absolutely is...and i do give stay at home mom's all the credit in the world, because i would go bat shit crazy if i did that all the time. however, that being said, i am emotional train wreck about leaving my kids. ella looked at me this morning and said, 'wuv yous mommy'...and i bust into tears. carrie smiled at me after a feeding this afternoon and i almost regurgitated my lunch on her due to my pending return to the workforce. (being a woman is awesome.) your kids can make you absolutely nuts, but you love them unconditionally to the point of exhaustion.

for the sake of my marriage, it's probably good that i'm going back to work though...because butch and i are in full time fightmode. if he breathes the wrong way, i'm ready to smack him in the lungs. if i look at him the wrong way, he is ready to poke me in the eyeball. (no joke.) we've had a lotta fun this summer with each other, and with the kids...but good riddance, enough family time already. eleven full weeks of family only time is enough to make anyone nuts. this morning he went out to get the papers (get the papers) for his coupons, which he hasn't done in about 4 weeks (not sure why he was on the hiatus...too busy scratching his balls, i suppose) he then walked into the bedroom and exclaimed, "GOT THE PAPERS....I'M BACK BABY!!"(meaning his annoying coupon addiction is "back" he spent the entire morning clipping and prepping for his grocery adventures today, i can't wait to see all the crap he comes home with. he asked me a slew of random questions like, "do you need contact solution? can you use dye free laundry detergent? can carrie wear huggies?"..the list goes on and on. he ended with..."if i get six bottles of comet for free...will you use it to clean?" (jesus, yes warren.) he just skipped out the door and sing songed, "wish me luuuuuckkk!" (i flipped him off after he left.)

so tomorrow i trade in my gym shorts and tank tops for teacher clothes...and my afternoon naps for adult conversations. i start a full week earlier than butch, so he will spend the entire week with both kids at home...i expect no less than 23 stories and 14 phone calls about his mr. mom routine. i know that he will be FULLY ready to go back to work the following monday after he plays stay at home dad for a week. (he was ready to go back weeks ago, so this'll really take him over the edge...) i look forward to meeting the next batch of children that enter my classroom...and embracing all the craziness that goes along with them. i'm sad leaving my own children, but know they are in good hands while i'm at work. i look forward to teaching again...however, if one of my coworkers exclaims, "YIPPEEE!!! WORRKK!" when i walk into the building tomorrow...they are getting an instant karate chop to the throat.

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