Tuesday, January 31, 2012


over the past month, I've jotted down some of my favorite quotes & pictures from the kids at school. here are a few of them. enjoy.

assignment: draw one picture of something that begins with the letter "F"
"how do you spell 'man'?
"man does not begin with the letter F"
"i'm drawing one FAT man and fat begins with F"
(right you are, kid.)

birthday party
a coworker of mine had a birthday party in the classroom yesterday. the mother of the child was upset because she forgot to bring her camera. luckily, the teacher had one. she offered to take some pictures of the child. when she put up the camera to snap one, she counted..."one...two...three" and then the child (instead of saying cheese) blurts out "WHISKEYYYYYYYY!!!!" with a big smile on her face. the mother was mortified.

assignment: draw a picture to go along with the story. 

                  good thing she didn't write any 'F words' on the chalkboard in the picture. 

random ramblings
"mrs. s, if you wish on a shooting star, will it really come true?"
(yes, of course.)

"i like the word butterfly because it's funny."
"why is it funny?"
"because it has a butt in it"
(she was laughing hysterically, making me laugh)

"i wish i were a polar bear"
"because they have special fur to keep them warm...and it's cold in this place!"
(this was in response to us having no heat all day..it was 32 degrees outside)

"does the word corn begin with a 'p'?"
(um, no and thank god it doesn't)

assignment: draw two things you really like.

anyone like chicken? i know i do.

(this one is from the beginning of the year, but you clowns enjoyed the gorillas so much that i had to include it) 

"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose."
-Woody Allen

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