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mica: pre psychotic break |
so the morning started when our cat slinked out the door when butch was letting the dog in from her morning constitutional. our cat, for those of you that do not know, is somewhat of a bastard. she was a rescue (i found her as a kitten abandoned in my school gymnasium and brought her home) she was pretty normal at first, and then it was like a switch went off and she turned into a raging psycho. she hisses at everyone and anyone that is not living in our house, she also growls and bites. if you mention 'mica' around ella she doesn't say "meow", she makes a hissing sound.
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mica: post psychotic break |
anyway, i chased mica back in the house using treats (and several explitives). shortly after, i backed out of our driveway and made it down my street to see a cat, that looked exactly like her...taking a dump in the neighbors yard. (do cats normally do that? take dumps in yards?) so i reverse back down our street to run back in to see if she escaped again. as i pulled in the driveway, she was sitting (inside) the bay window licking herself. we made eye contact. i glared...and then flipped her off. (i do believe that she was in the process of devising a plan on ways to mess with the dog while we were at work.)
i knew that this point that it was just going to be one of those mornings. on the way to the babysitters house, i was merrily driving along when i decided it would be a good idea to stop (yes, stop) at a green light. (wtf?) i didn't slam on the breaks or anything, i slowly came to a stop and acted like it was totally normal to stop at a green light. i didn't realize anything was amiss, until the guy behind me slammed on his breaks (and his horn). i got all flustered, realizing it was green, and hit the gas. he drove around me, fist raised, yelling something at me. i couldn't hear him, but "why are you stopping at a green light, jackass!" would've been appropriate and well deserved.
shortly after, i received a text from a friend that said "accident getting on 50" (joy) luckily, i was able to go around it, but i did see that some jackwagon drove off of the road while trying to enter the interstate. do you ever look at an accident and think how the hell did that happen? like what was that idiot doing when he decided to careen off the road into a pile of bushes? (single car accidents really boggle my mind)
as i was standing in my doorway waiting for the children to arrive, i was hoping that the day would get better. one after the other, they filed into the classroom and as i'm closing my door, i hear one child singing a song. (nice, right?) as i go to sit at my desk, another child strolls over to the singing child and forcefully says..."be quiet....pussy!" (i gasped!) leading me to then have a conversation with a 5 year old on why pussy is not an approriate word to use at school, unless you are talking about a cat.
"my pussy got out this morning and i had to chase her back inside." -appropriate.
"be quiet...pussy!" (to your singing classmate) -inappropriate.
all of this happened before the clock struck 8am...lovely way to start the day....wouldn't you say?
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