Thursday, June 16, 2016


seventeen years ago on this day, when i was seventeen, i lost a dear friend of mine in a tragic hiking accident when i was in high school. although it has been seventeen years, the memory of that day and losing jon is forever in my heart and mind. tragedies (and triumphs) have a way of sticking with us long after the day leaves us. the date is always a reminder. in some ways this is a blessing, and in others it is a curse. although this incident made me learn hard lessons at a young age, i am one of those people that believes that everything happens for a reason. from the time we are born until the time we die, our plan is laid out for us and sometimes what you think is supposed to happen in your life does happen. sometimes it doesn't. i believe we meet certain people to teach us lessons along the way and people come in and out of our lives for that purpose. anyway, enough preaching...these are some of the ways that this tragedy shaped my life thus far. 

first of all, i remain friends with many of the same people (seventeen year olds) that i went to high school with and were also involved in this incident. it forced a bond between us that i feel will never be broken. i love and respect these people and will be attending weddings for four (four! wtf.) of them (including fen!) this year. good people and friends are hard to come by, so i never take that for granted. secondly, i married jon's best friend. butch and i were close since the time we met in sixth grade, but when i started dating jon, butch was more of the third wheel and was around all the time. the three of us have so many memories that i am forever thankful for. third, my first born was born on the same day that jon died, but 11 years later (cue spooky music). could this be a coincidence? possibly. but i choose to believe otherwise. ella's birth transformed a very sad day for both butch and i and made it into something special.

finally, the older i get the more i realize that life is too damn short. now that i have children, lightening speed is more like it. my mentality when i was seventeen is so different than now, but after jon's death i realized that if you don't find the good and fun in every single day, it will be lost. since then, i have chosen to live out loud. i work hard (well, during the school year), play hard, appreciate everything i have, and let the people in my life know that i love them. although i don't have rainbows and unicorns shooting out of my ass at all times, i try to be happy and kind to other people around me as much as i can. i love the quote that says that people are often fighting a battle that you know nothing about. it's so true. it's human nature to judge people, but how we treat them is a different story. i've met a lot of people along the way, and appreciate each person that has come into my life, because they have taught me an important lesson in some way.

along with jon's wicked sense of humor, i also miss his roguish smile, his sarcasm, his love of music, and his ability to make others laugh. he was also my first love. the day after he passed away, his mom said to me, "he will forever be seventeen. he won't age, he won't go to college, he won't get married...he will always just be seventeen in our hearts and minds." that stuck with me always. how jon truly lived in his seventeen years is a testament to his character and to the people he knew and loved. i know for a fact that jon meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people...and i also know that he is thought about and missed by a lot of different people. maybe you will be raising your glass to another memory that is meaningful to you tonight...maybe another tragedy or triumph that has stuck with you over the years, like me. make sure you appreciate that moment and hold onto the things that are momentous in your life. as i watch my 6 year old blow out her candles, i will raise my glass to her, to all things i am thankful for, and to a guy who is forever seventeen...but will certainly never be forgotten.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


ironically, the very first blog i ever wrote was about gorillas...and how a kid drew a picture of some that ended up looking like legitimate black man parts. (yes!) all this talk about this damn gorilla made me somehow remember that after several glasses of wine last night. another thing that happened earlier last night was as follows: my second born wasn't feeling great and asked me to climb into bed and lay with her until she fell asleep. usually i just rub her back and she drifts off to dream land, but this time she turned toward me and we were face to face. instinctively, i did something that i used to do to both of my kids when they were babies. when i was trying to lull them to sleep, i rocked them and would rub my thumb over their forehead and down their nose, kind of like in a repeat T pattern. as i started to do this to carrie, she was holding her blankie (which she calls her ginky) and sucking the same two fingers she has since birth. her eyes became heavy and as i laid there i suddenly became overly emotional. motherhood is such a kick in the uterus like that sometimes, because it catches you off guard. one minute i was just hoping (praying, even) she would (finally) go to sleep after a long line of bedtime shenanigans...and the next minute i was laying in her bed crying over a memory like a loon. (motherhood will make you bat shit crazy.)

anyways, after i had a moment (and she went to sleep) i went downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine from my (fancy) box. i clicked on the television...and also started scrolling through social media on my phone. you can't help but be slapped in the face by all this talk about this f'ing gorilla. so here's my take on the whole shebang...the first time i saw the video i was laying in a hotel bed, hungover as hell and willing my internal organs to work properly from fen's bachelorette festivities. (i wanted to die.) anyways, when i watched stomach instantly hurt even worse and i was overwhelmed with fear for that child. (i almost puked.) then, i immediately thought about his mother and how SHE was feeling in that moment. if that was bet your sweet ass i would've found a way to "wiggle" into the cage like my toddler. after i got in, i would be on that gorilla like white on rice. seriously man, i'd be floatin like a butterfly and stingin like a bee on his ass...beating the living shit out of him. (legit muhummad ali.) would i strangle that beast to death before i saw him hurt my child? yes. do i think they made the right call in killing it? yes. am i shocked that people are in an outright outrage about this gorilla being killed? not really. people are crazy. don't get me wrong...i love animals. however, i love children more. the mom made a mistake and the child didn't deserve to die because of it. end of story.

as a parent, i think your greatest fear is keeping your child safe. sometimes i can't even believe that i am actually responsible for two other little human beings. i mean, i have a hard time taking care of myself sometimes let alone these two dependent creatures. for the most part, i think i am doing an okay job, but most days i'm just happy they still have a pulse. i think my scariest parenthood moment was when carrie touched a hot iron and we had to go to the hospital because of it. i wasn't being neglectful...i just looked away for a minute. like that mom at the zoo did. as i laid in bed with her last night, with ella asleep nearby...i was thinking about that. i am thankful every single day for my children, no matter how bat shit crazy they make me. however, last weekend (without saying) i wanted (and needed) a break from reality when i headed off into the ocean city sunset with fen. maybe that mom just needed a minute to herself last weekend as well, when she instead ventured to the zoo with 4 kids. who knows what her story was and really...who cares? who are we to judge a woman we know nothing about. she made probably one of the worst mistakes of her life and an oversized monkey died. motherhood is hard enough, add that into the mix and sweet baby jesus i'd be running for the hills. the story could've ended a hundred different ways. however, anything that would make a me go ape shit (no pun intended) on a 400 pound gorilla without fear is pretty powerful in my book. perspective, people...please let's move on.

my own monkeys.