so i haven't been able to write lately, cause i am in the home stretch of my masters degree. (holy hell.) i had thought i was in a 16 month program up until a few weeks ago, and then got an email from a professor entitled, "welcome to your last course!" (wtf?) i was so confused, but realized that i had signed up for the accelerated program instead of the regular program and that's why i was losing my mind the whole time. who doesn't know how long their masters is going to take them? i'll tell you who...a crazy mother of two. anyways, i'm done in less than five weeks and can't wait, it has NOT been easy by any means this past year and i'm looking forward to some "free" time again. also, in the way of one told me that as soon as i was done earning my doctorate in dirty diapers that i would swiftly move on to earning my masters in making lunches. mannnnnn i hate making lunches! it sounds like a simple chore, but what a pain in the dick it is! (truly.) i will say that now that both kids are successfully potty trained, i don't miss the dirty diaper part of parenthood. people told me i would miss that part...the poop part, and it just hasn't happened yet. in the past month, along with pooping independence, my second born has graduated from crib to big girl bed, from booster seat to a regular chair at dinner, and made her changing table obsolete. this sudden burst of independence...has made me inwardly sad. with ella, everything happened much slower. also, when she grew out of those phases i always knew that there would be another kid still being needy. carrie started preschool and took it upon herself to grow the hell up in one month. (i hate it.) no worries, she still does fun stuff like poop with a pirate patch on.

now that i'm back to work, things are happening at warp speed. the weeks are flying by and i'm not certain how to make it all slow down! it does feel good to be a productive member of society again, though. my kids at school are making my job excellent, as they are the best group i have had in 10 years. i know that i just jinxed myself but saying that, but i wanted to put it out there. it's refreshing when you can actually teach and not have to worry about behavior problems. one little guy on the first day looked at me very seriously and said, "i know we haven't known each other that long...but you are best friend." these are the little moments that stick with me always and make me love what i do. on ella's first day of kindergarten, i couldn't get out of work in the morning, so butch took her. i said that i would pick her up. so i wrote a little note in her folder and everything, letting the teacher know. well, the time came for me to leave early from school, my coworkers had my kindergarteners under control and one little boy looked up at me and said (grabbing himself), "i have to go to the bathhhhroooommm." so, i took him to the restroom and then ran (late) out the door. i hit major traffic, but when i got there 3 minutes late...i couldn't find ella. i went running past the office like a hooligan and the secretary ran out and said, "MA'AM! you need a PASS!" i mentally wigged out a little and went into the office. guess who was in there holding another secretaries hand? ella. i didn't even notice her as i was explaining to the other secretary frantically that i was 3 minutes late and couldn't find her. then i heard, "MOMMY?!" and whipped around to see her smiling at me. so that was the end of her first day. kindergarten teacher mom problems.
first day of school. |
this next weekend we are heading up into the mountains of northern pennsylvania for one of my most favorite a place called chet's for "frontier days." seriously guys, it trumps childbirth in the life events category. i can't explain it fully other than there is a lot of flannel, a lot of american flags, and a lot of fun. plus, it's spent with a group of old friends and what is better than that? my parents have graciously decided to take care of laverne and shirley for the weekend, so we are kid free. when discussing this with ella she said, "why can't i go into the woods with you!?" i told her it's adults only. she said, "why cuz we will get lost and stuff?!" (yeah, let's go with that.) we don't have overnight sitters often, so when we do...we get wound up. last year, butch lost his cell phone riding a mechanical bull and i had an adverse reaction to copious amounts of alcohol and broke out in hives. (let's get wild.) so in conclusion, the past coupla months have been spent finishing up schooling, starting a new school year, new found independence for both kids, and me becoming a professional lunch maker. warren is still working out feverishly and whipping up potions like walter white in our pantry. (creatine and crap.) oh, and he's back on his coupon campaign as well. (yay.) i look forward to fall and all things that amazing season has to offer. i walked outside yesterday morning and the weather told me that boilo season is just around the bend. (better get the ball jars ready!) so basically with october beckoning...i will have my masters in reading and literacy under my belt, my doctorate in dirty diapers, and will also be currently working on my masters in making lunches. not to mention an associates in adult beverages hopefully earned this weekend. in the words of charlie sheen...i'm pretty sure i'm winning. i'll raise my pumpkin beer to that.