alright, so i'm off of work...and i have a lot of time on my hands. this one is for my fellow foodie friends. today we were supposed to get snow...the weathermen in maryland predicted it, turns out the weathermen are ass clowns. i wish i could be wrong 90% of the time at my job and not get fired. (what idiots.) anyway, we got a little bit of snow...but none of it actually stuck, so really we have nothing. (booooo.) although i hate the cold, i really do love the snow. i love how quiet it gets, i love getting 'snowed in,' i love how pretty it makes everything...and that all being said, i'm pretty pissed off at the weatherman wackjob who said that we would have some on the ground and we have nothing.
i was awoken this morning at 7:23am by ella's little voice across the hallway that said, "mommmmmeeeeee i poooooooppppeddddd, commmmeee change meeeeeee." i rolled over, looked at my clock, and then immediately looked out the window like a little kid to see if there was any white stuff. there wasn't. (rats!) i changed ella and we discussed the importance of going on the potty (instead of in a diaper) for the 239th time, and then i went over to carrie's room. she also had crapped her pants. changing two shitty diapers by 7:30am was definitely not on my to do list for the day. however, motherhood i had to answer. (ahh, the joys.) warren was indeed still scratching his ballsack in bed at this time...and when i told him both kids crapped their pants upon waking up he said, "what is wrong with them!?" (next time i'll save the poop for you, pal.)
we came downstairs and i made breakfast. i don't know about any of you, but my two year old eats like a bird. i'm not kidding you, i think she survives on goldfish crackers...and air. the doctor said that it's "totally normal" and i said, "for who?!" she said, "she won't starve...she'll eat when she's hungry." (umm, ok when she's in kindergarten? or what.) carrie went back down for a morning nap and i decided to go for a run since there was no snow. penelope and i headed out and i got about a mile from the house and it started snowing. (snowing hard.) at one point, the dog stopped and looked up at me like i was an asshole for taking her out in this kind of weather. i cursed the ass clown weathermen again, and headed back home.
we went out to lunch, and then to the grocery store. (to get our milk, bread, and eggs...because it was french toast weather, friends!) the store was packed. we got two carts (awesome.) and butch and i were standing in front of the deli. there was a lady there probably just a little older than me, and she had a 3 year old with her. ella yelled, "WHO DAT DIRL??" (i explained that like us, she also wanted some lunch meat and cheese.) the mother oooh'd and ahhh'd at ella and carrie...and then we started talking. she said she had an 8 month old at home and she tried to go to the store yesterday with both of them but it was, "the hardest thing she ever had to do." (preaching to the choir sister.) we laughed a bit and then a random older man came up behind her little girl and said, "sorry sweetheart, your shoes are on the wrong feet!!!" sure enough her purple sequined boots were mixed up. the mother looked totally embarrassed. (um, don't be.) i said, "at least they are 2 of the same pair, right?!" she smiled at me and shook her head. i was's okay lady, i was cleaning up two shitty diapers before i had time to put in my contacts or use the bathroom myself. (i know your pain.)
when we got home, both girls went down for a nap. i had about 34 things on my to do list for this afternoon...but i took a nap instead. (don't judge me.) seriously though, all of that stuff that you overburden yourself with will get done...eventually. i've learned that it's not worth it to stress over it. i used to stress about it, all the, not so much. there are more important things in this world than whether or not the ceiling fans are cleaned or if the hardwood floors are shiny. have a nap or a glass of wine'll be better for it, i promise. anyway, when i woke up i decided it was an excellent day to make beer and cheese soup for dinner. it's as good as it sounds...i mean, who can go wrong with beer and/or cheese? (nobody.) my uncle makes this soup often and it. is. bangin. i included the recipe for you foodies that want to try it...if you are like me, you are always looking for a new and easy recipe. also, i love soup in the winter. (comfort food favorite.)
this soup is not "light" by any if you are planning on dropping "those last 10 pounds" for your new years resolution, you better get busy and make it in the next couple of days, and then after you eat it, change your resolution to "those last 15 pounds." if you were wondering what butch was doing with all of his time off today? he was making a video for our christmas files. (nerd.) i decided to include it, because cause it is one part ridiculous and one part at your own risk. i am neither wearing makeup...or a brassiere. (yes!)
my saturday night consists of beer & cheese soup, bath and bedtime stories with the kids, a movie rental, and red wine...and although i love my children dearly, i surely hope i don't wake up to a deuce double whammy at dawn again tomorrow.